18177 Biscayne Blvd ste 2460 Aventura Fl 33060 info@tccmc.com 9.00AM - 6.00PM

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About Company

All is Well Transformational Ministries is committed to empowering individuals, families, communities, and nations to lead purposeful lives through the transformative impact of strategic prayers, aligning with the prayer model of Jesus Christ. Our prayer HUB serves as a focal point for healing, deliverance, and empowerment.

Visionary leader Solfine Dorleus, a praying counselor using the infallible word, a life coach, author, accomplished businesswoman, and investor, guides AIW in collaboration with the Father God, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. AIW functions as a haven for overcoming strongholds, illnesses, and enduring challenges.

  • Believing in the purposeful creation of each individual by God.
  • AIW offers counseling, mentoring, and coaching sessions for empowerment.
  • Divine wisdom and Guidance

AIW Ministries, a multinational initiative, teaches the infallible word of God through strategic prayers, worship, and biblical empowerment teachings. We conduct yearly conferences, prayer services, and powerful end-of-year prayer to usher you and your family into the new year.

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    Why We Are the Right Choice

    All is Well Transformation center has establish a strong presence in the industry, gain the trust of clients, and open up new opportunities for growth and expansion. We consistntly communicate these unique selling points through your marketing materials, website, and interactions with potential clients. AIW Continuing to innovate, listen to client feedback, and adapt to evolving wellness trends will contribute to sustained growth and success for the All is Well Transformation Center. As a leader in transformational mentoring, coaching, and educational programs our high schoolers learn unique skills early on to identify their true Identity. Our identity 101 course is a course strategically developed to teach and guide our youths to discover their purpose at an early age. We promote growth through our academic curriculum following states and federal regulations not limited to our own branded and patented program aimed to bring a diverse learning institution in the sector of education. We are a leader in special needs educational programs, support and services. We partner with many non profit organizations such as Wellness Practice Unlimited Services and Loja Academy.


    Partner with us to create a supportive and nurturing environment for students.

    Middle School

    Equip students with the skills and resources they need.

    High School

    Our high school counseling programs offer a range of services.


    Team Members


    Satisfied Clients


    Satisfied Clients


    Successful Projects

    Prayer HUBS

    AIW Ministries, a multinational initiative, teaches the infallible word of God through strategic prayers, worship, and biblical empowerment teachings. Contact us for our services and prayer meeting centers.

    Recent Projects

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    News & Articles

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    Five Takes on Sustain ability in business.

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    One insight about harne data and AI from leaders.

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    Can your supply chain deliver consumer.

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